Integrated Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Applied to the Simulation of a CubeSat Mission
MBE: Model Based Engineering, MBSE: Model Based Systems Engineering
Authors: David Kaslow, Grant Soremekun, Hongman Kim, Sara Spangelo

Small satellite missions are becoming increasingly complex as scientists and engineers propose to utilize them to accomplish more ambitious science and technology goals. Small satellites such as CubeSats are challenging to design because they have limited resources, coupled subsystems, and must operate in dynamic environments.

Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is a key practice to advance systems engineering that can benefit CubeSat missions. MBSE creates a system model that helps integrate other discipline specific engineering models and simulations. The system level model is initiated at the start of a project and evolves throughout development. It provides a cohesive and consistent source of system requirements, design, analysis, and verification.

This paper describes an integrated, executable MBSE representation of the Radio Aurora Explorer (RAX) CubeSat mission. The purpose of the RAX mission is to study the formation of magnetic field-aligned electron density irregularities in the Earth’s ionosphere, which are known to disrupt tracking and communication between Earth and orbiting spacecraft. The RAX CubeSat model describes the configuration and properties for various systems and subsystems, and is capable of executing behavior and parametric models for analyzing subsystem functions and states of the spacecraft. It is comprised of a SysML model created with MagicDraw®, a set of analytical models developed in MATLAB®, and a high fidelity space system simulation model created in STK®. ModelCenter was used to integrate the analytical and simulation models. The integrated analyses were linked to the SysML model using MBSE Analyzer, a bridge between SysML tools and ModelCenter. Behavioral models were executed for a representative RAX mission to study energy state and data collection capabilities.

This work was undertaken to demonstrate the power, scalability, and utility of MBSE tools and methods that are available to help meet the challenge of designing spacecraft missions of ever-increasing complexity. The RAX CubeSat model will be made available to the academic community for further study and potential extension for more complex missions.

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