Virtual Workshop: MDAO and MBSE for Automotive Design
To manage the rapidly increasing complexity of vehicles, automotive engineers need to be able to make informed decisions very early in the design process, understand how decisions made for one system will impact other systems and the overall vehicle, and manage trade-offs between performance, cost, and requirements. Whether looking at a component, a sub-system, or the vehicle level, Multi-Disciplinary Analysis & Optimization (MDAO) along with Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) provide a framework to:
- Document and communicate system requirements
- Identify key variables, trends, and trade-offs
- Thoroughly explore design alternatives, including trading off competing architectures
- Ensure all requirements are satisfied
- Zero in on the best design
- Understand the impact of variable uncertainties on reliability and robustness
Turning this MDAO / MBSE promise into a reality requires an integration framework that can quickly and efficiently automate virtually any executable and manage data flow to create true multidisciplinary workflows, a smart design exploration framework that puts the power of optimization in the hands of the design engineer, and robust integration with the MBSE systems model to assure that all requirements are satisfied.
Learn how you can use ModelCenter to apply MDAO and MBSE to realistic automotive design challenges. This event will feature an example applied to the design of an automotive driveline sub-system and will include a live Q&A session.
Come join us!
Participation in this event is free.
Watch the full Virtual Workshop: MDAO and MBSE for Automotive Design. Recorded on Oct 29, 2020. Duration: 1 hr 42 min