Case Studies
Case Study
Integrating Systems Modeling with Simulation Helps Ensure Robust Space Debris Removal Mission
The European Space Agency (ESA) is studying an active debris removal mission called e.deorbit which is intended to capture an ESA-owned derelict satellite in low orbit and safely crash it...
Case Study
Optimizing a New Upper Stage Rocket Engine for 5 Missions in 6 Weeks
The Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) is investigating the innovative Dual-Expander Aerospike Nozzle (DEAN) engine architecture in support of initiatives like the Integrated High Payoff Rocket Propulsion Technology (IHPRPT)...
Compressed Air System Design
Building Design
Case Study
SEI’s ModelCenter-Driven I-RaCM Platform Simplifies Compliance with Affordability Mandates
Supersonic Aircraft Design
Centrifugal Compressor
Case Study
Analysis of Alternatives in ModelCenter Enables Rapid Selection of Optimal Centrifugal Compressor Configuration
Wind Farm – Stanford
Case Study
Multilevel Optimization Reduces Cost of Building Wind Farm by Almost $4 Million
The Bobcat Bluff Wind Project, located in Archer City, Texas consists of 100 GE 1.5 MW turbines capable of producing up to 150 MW of electrical power. Like nearly all...
Case Studies by Application
Technical Papers
Phoenix Integration, Lockheed Martin
Authors: Hongman Kim, David Fried, Peter Menegay and Grant Soremekun, Christopher Oster
Authors: Nicolas Albarello et Hongman Kim