
2015 User Conference
2015 UC Photos
  • Happy Customers in Orange Hats

  • 2015 UC

  • Keynote Speaker: Steve Cornford

  • Kevin Flood, AGI

  • 2015 User Conference Presentation

    Dr. Scott Ragon and Dr. J. Simmons | PHOENIX INTEGRATION

  • Professor Rakesh Kapania | VIRGINIA TECH

  • Keynote Speaker: Sandy Friedenthal

  • Tomoaki Utsunomiya, Hitoshi Naito | HONDA

  • Guy Babineau | NORTHROP GRUMMAN



  • Keith Meintjes, CIMData, Industry Consultant

  • Professor Karen Wilcox, MIT

  • Forest Flager, Stanford University

  • A night out in Venice Beach

  • A night out in Venice Beach

  • 2015 UC Team Members

  • Jane Trenaman, President and CEO | PHOENIX INTEGRATION

  • Scott Woyak, Founder | PHOENIX INTEGRATION

  • Lunch Time

  • Play time

  • More Fun

  • A night out in Venice Beach

  • A night out in Venice Beach

  • Dinner at the Venice Ale House, Honda, Argo

  • Panel Discussions with Key Thought Leaders in MBE and MBSE

  • Panel Discussions with Key Thought Leaders in MBE and MBSE

  • Panel Discussions with Key Thought Leaders in MBE and MBSE

  • Panel Discussions with Key Thought Leaders in MBE and MBSE

2015 Presenters Included

2015 UC Presentations

Web Hosted Solutions Using ModelCenter as a Service

Sam Alessi, Almanac Systems, LLC

Weld Sequence Optimization: Moving Manufacturing to the Left

Alan Arico, Phoenix Integration

Process Automation and Optimization for Aerospace and Defense Operations

Kevin Flood, Analytical Graphics, Inc.

MDAO Applied to Multi-Agent War Game Simulations

Kris Atkins, Boeing

Symmetric Maneuver Loads Module Development & Integration within an Aircraft Tracking Environment

Ned Lindsley, Ph.D., AFRL

Phoenix Integration and the Skunk Works® A History of Success, A Path to the Future

Clif Davies, Lockheed Martin

Multidisciplinary Optimization of Innovative Aircraft using ModelCenter

Rakesh Kapania, Virginia Tech

A Model-Based Systems Engineering Approach to the Heavy Lift Launch System Architecture Study

Virgil Hutchinson, Orbital Sciences

Design-to-Cost and Robust Liquid Rocket Engine Design

James Horton, Aerojet Rocketdyne

Enabling Multidisciplinary Design Exploration and Optimization for Hypersonic Flight Systems & Applications

John Bradford, SpaceWorks Enterprises, Inc.

DES-based F6 Cluster Analysis Tool: Optimizing the User Experience

Steve Cornford

Multifidelity and Adaptive Optimization Methods

Karen Willcox, MIT

Optimizing Constructability to Reduce the Cost of Wind Energy

Forest Flager, Stanford University

Model Center in the Classroom: Lessons Learned and Best Practices

Douglas Van Bossuyt, Colorado School of Mines

Optimizing a New Upper Stage Rocket Engine in Six Weeks

J. Simmons, Phoenix Integration

Reducing the Complexities and Increasing the Productivity in Automotive E/E Architecture Design

Paolo Giusto, General Motors

Introduction to SPDM project in HONDA R&D for Chassis design

Hitoshi Naito, Honda R&D

Model Based Engineering at Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems

Guy Babineau, Northrop Grumman

The Power of Connected Models at NGES

Kerron Duncan, Northrop Grumman

SDM-A: Stress Data Management for Aerostructure

Daniel Nouxet, Stelia

Integrated Model Framework for Concept Development

Chris Hoffman, Northrop Grumman

System Trade Studies and Design Optimization

Bryce Martin, Lockheed Martin

The Future of MBSE with MagicDraw

Jason Wilson, No Magic

Bringing System Modeling and Analysis Together at Enterprise Scale

Bjorn Cole & Chris Delp, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

2015 UC Attendees Included Representatives from:


Aerojet Rocketdyne


Agency for Defense Development


Almanac Systems, LLC

Analytical Graphics, Inc.


BAE Systems

Boeing Research & Technology

Calpine Corporation


Colorado School of Mines

Engineering (MDAO)

General Motors

Honda R&D Americas, Inc.

Honda, Japan

Idaho National Laboratory

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Lockheed Aerospace

Lockheed Martin

LOTUS Technologies, Inc.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

No Magic, Inc.

Northrop Grumman

Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems

Northrop Grumman Corporation

Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems

Orbital ATK

SAF Consulting


SpaceWorks Enterprises, Inc.

Stanford University

STELIA Aerospace

Textron Aviation

The Boeing Company

Virginia Tech


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